Verbal Flow Archives

This Week – January 24 2021
The Interior Reflects the Global: Stepping Into Purpose | Story of Precious | Poem by Amanda Gorman, The Hill We Climb | A meditation inspired by Ruth King's Mindful of Race

This Week – Jan 17 2021
A New Story | Writing a new morning story | A Human Story, inspired by Ruth King's Mindful of Race | Loving Kindness Meditation | 2021 Teacher Training Q&A

This Week – January 10 2021
Stillness is the Beginning | Waking up early and Hal Elrod's Miracle Morning | What am I doing for the good of humanity? Inspired by teachings from Jack Kornfield and Thich Nhat Hanh | The poem Dead Stars by Ada Li'mon

This Week – Jan 3 2021
Start Your YEAR in Alignment: Begin at the Center | Embracing the liminal period of January and February with a centering meditation

Begin at the Center
I have been thinking about something I wrote about a few years ago–The root of the word “December” comes from the Latin word Decem, meaning ten, and was thus named because in the original Roman calendar, December was the tenth month in their calendar that began in March and ended in December.

This Week – Dec 27 2020
Gratitude at the End of a Challenging Year | Gratitude from Christa Mastrangelo Joyce | Poem by Taylor Johnson, Trans Against Nostalgia

This Week – Dec 20 2020
Learning to walk (and be still) in the dark | Healing from COVID | Loving Kindness Meditation | Inspiration from Barbara Brown Taylor, mountain pose, cat/cow | Playlist: Stay Meditation (wk 5) | Poem by David Wagoner: Lost

This Week – Dec 13 2020
Shoelace Pose for Kidney Health | Reflections on illness | Shoelace Pose | Garundasana (eagle pose)| Poem: Kindness by Naomi Shahib Nye

This Week – Dec 6 2020
Holding Darkness | Advent, Winter Solstice, inspiration from Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown and Zora Neale Hurston | Posture: Cat Pulling Its Tail | Posture: Virabhadra (warrior 3) | Poem: Clearing by Martha PostlewaitePlaylist (wk 3)