Verbal Flow Archives

Possibility. Even the word feels remarkable as I say it aloud. It conjures images of moments and places, people and events waiting to unfold. And this is why I love the turning of a year. All those unmarked calendar pages, so much possibility.

Paring Down to the Exquisite: An offering to my future self in the New Year
Simplify. Simplify. Simplify!
I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand;
instead of a million count half a dozen and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.”
~Henry David Thoreau
What would I let…

With A Close Ear
A few days ago, driving with my daughter and her friend, we had a conversation about Christmas. On the radio were carols and as the voice proclaimed that it is “the most wonderful time of the year,” I heard the girls groan. “I don’t…

I write these reflections a week in advance and so I began writing this on Sunday, December 5th, the day that would be my father’s 73rd birthday had he not died 30 years ago. My father loved the month of December season leading up to and including…

Homecoming and Holidays
Homecomings are no small things. Often, they require persevering through struggle—old wounds, reminders, triggers to feeling safe, and a host of other reasons it can feel easier to stay away.
Entering this season of holidays seems like…

A Living Story
I am writing this on the eve of the final Jala Yoga class. As I sit and imagine the upcoming day, a multitude of feelings and thoughts rise. Awash in memory, I am both heavy and joyful. Of course, there is pain and grief, but why not celebrate the incredible life of what’s been? And so, I sit with the whole story.

Let Life Live Through You
Let Life Live Through You // Poem: Hokusai Says by Roger S. Keyes // Let Life Live Through You, inspired by the poem Hokusai Says and the book Between Two Kingdoms, A Life Interrupted by Soleika Jaouad // Book and podcast recommendations // Jala News: More Outdoor Classes!

Radiant Living
Radiant Living // Welcome to the longest days: a meditation // Poem: Rethinking Regret by Elaine Sexton // Prana: a breathing practice // Tips on Practicing Gratitude & Appreciation // Jala News: More Outdoor Classes!

Radiant with Pride
Radiant with Pride // Radiant Self Love: Inspiration from Kristi Nelson's Wake Up Grateful // Meditation and Journal Opportunity with Christa // Poem: Coconut Oil by Roshni Goyate // Gratitude Poem: Hymn, with Birds and Cats // Jala News: More Outdoor Classes!