Verbal Flow Archives

Giving Thanks

In Yoga Sutra II.42, Patanjali writes of Santosha, i.e. contentment, that "By contentment, supreme joy is gained." Swami Satchidananda illuminates this further: "Here we should understand the difference between contentment and satisfaction.…

Ayurveda in Autumn

Ayurveda is defined as the “knowledge or science of life.” It is a 5000 year old tradition that is based upon the wisdom of living in harmony with the basic laws of nature. Ayurveda offers a holistic guide by which we can discover our healing…

Life a Little Less Necessary

We're entering that time of summer when many of us begin the mad-dash excitement of fitting it all in--last minute vacations, day trips, BBQ's, stocking up on school supplies, hitting end of the summer sales. The urge to pack as much in before…

Yoga For Weight Loss?

Summer often gets people thinking about weight loss. In our appearance obsessed culture, how can we not? There's just so much more flesh showing in the summer, and without the bulky sweaters and pants to hide behind, many of us become more than…

Cool Things Down

The Summer Solstice, marking the day when the sun stands still in the sky, the longest day of the year, is nearly here. And though we've certainly had some hot days so far, we've not quite entered the true start of summer. As we roll into this…

Spring Cleanse

It is that time again! We've entered the peak of spring and if you've not already, now is a wonderful time to reduce ama, i.e. toxins, from the body that were built up during the stagnate, heavy winter months. And really it's not as hard as…


On my way to teach this morning, I listened to someone on the radio discussing the opposite of poverty. He said that initially we think that the opposite of poverty is wealth, but that wealth doesn't at all imply that one doesn't feel impoverished…

The Journey to Your Creativity

In honor of National Poetry Month, I am thinking about the ways that yoga helps to feed our creativity and to align us with our creative self. Close your eyes and bring your visual awareness to the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows.…

Become Powerful Beyond Measure

Marianne Williamson writes in her book A Return to Love, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who…